Best cardio exercises, you can do anywhere

6 best and easy cardio exercises you can do anywhere

 What's up guys, it's Gulam Mohiuddin Yo, welcome to fit legends blog. Today I'm gonna be showing you the Best cardio exercises that you can do anywhere. Now a lot of people think that they can just lift and they don't need cardio or that they don't have to do it because they're already skinny enough or they don't want to do it because they're afraid of losing muscle. 

Well, let me start off by saying every professional athlete utilizes cardio professional fighter to professional football player. Of course, it can be good for losing weight, but cardio has a lot more benefits than just that.

 First off cardio increases the strength in your heart and your lungs, that's going to build your cardiovascular endurance and that's actually going to help you gain muscle in the gym with more cardiovascular endurance.

 you'll be able to push past the point where you used to fatigue causing you to tear away more muscle fibers than you used to and because you've increased your endurance, you're gonna have more energy in your workouts, increasing the intensity on how you train a cardio isn't running, cycling, swimming, or even spending hours on the treadmill.

 You can do cardio in one place just by choosing bodyweight exercises that will bring your heart rate up and low impact enough that will allow you to maintain a steady pace for time now the cardio style exercises.

 I'm about to show you work not only to burn fat and increase endurance but also engage many muscles in your body, including the smaller muscles. which are often neglected to help assist you to perform harder exercises and make you look way more shredded. 

So now you guys know why you need to be doing cardio, let's get right into the eight exercises. All right now this is only going to take a couple of minutes. Now for any of these exercises that you don't feel comfortable with doing, just do one of the other exercises for a longer period of time. 

But I did select exercises that you can just jump right into, they don't take or need any prior training experience.

Best cardio exercises
Best cardio exercises

 Every exercise is going to be for 30 seconds.

 Let's go for it.


It's gonna be warm up.

  1. BURPEES:- 

For this move, you can choose to go at your own pace, choosing not to do a push up if you don't feel comfortable at the bottom or not jumping as high for just a beginner. But remember, you should always try to push yourself of course without sacrificing your form. Let's go for it.

  1. BICYCLES:- 

 Remember, keep a steady pace, but maintain the former to regulate your breathing. If you're having trouble breathing through these, this is a very good indicator that you need to be doing more. A lot more cardio. A lot more of this.

  1. IN AND OUT:-

 All right, we'll go on to the next exercise. switching up the plane and the angle and engaging our muscles from a different position. We're gonna jump in and out with these in and out, open and close. Remember to regulate your breathing in through your nose. I'll do your mouth.


All right, right about now. Starting to break a sweat. Next exercise side to side john squats. We'll choose a line on the ground and hop right over.

Best cardio exercises
Best cardio exercises

All right, let's bring it back down on the ground. We're gonna be going shoulder to shoulder. It's going to touch one side. Other side, shoulders, sides, hips, knees. And finally, your feet. That's gonna be one rep. 30 seconds.


 let's bring it back up. We're almost done, we're gonna be going into switching lunges. Now we have two more exercises left. If you feel at this point, you're feeling a bit fatigued. Take a second to catch your breath, slow down your pace, but don't stop.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

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