Get 6 Pack ABS Fast For Summer

 How to get 6-Pack ABS Fast for summer

what's up guys it's Gulam mohiuddin and welcome back to fit legends, today i'm gonna be showing you a routine to get 6 pack ABS fast for summer in just a couple weeks right on time for summer.


Now the routine I created for you today was designed for you to be able to repeat it almost every single day for at least three to four weeks straight, effectively enough for you to see progress and results every single day without making you give up or fatiguing.

Get 6 Pack ABS Fast For Summer
 Get 6-pack ABS fast for summer


A lot of times that could be people's biggest setbacks they may start off strong trying to achieve their goals and get that six-pack but may end up going too hard and then have to take too many days off becoming inconsistent and not seeing the progress that they want so if you want to see results and progress every single day and you want to get shredded in just a couple weeks then this is the routine for you.


To see significant results you need to have your nutrition on point to see what that looks like you can check out some of the articles i've done on nutrition like how to start eating healthy or the 10 healthy snacks that got me shredded so with your nutrition on point and this routine there's no excuse as to why anyone reading should not be getting shredded.


Equipment to get 6-Pack ABS Fast.

  1. Some space on the ground.

  2. An elevated surface.

  3. Two chairs.

  4. Some weights like: dumbbells or bricks, etc.


This routine can be done by anyone and it's going to be effective for a beginner all the way to advanced. Now we're going to be using the most minimal equipment so that anyone can do this every day no matter where they are.


You're going to need some space on the ground, an elevated surface. I'm going to be using two chairs and something that you can find around your house that has a little bit of weight to carry. I'm going to be using a dumbbell


Exercises to get 6-Pack ABS Fast For Summer.


we're ready to get started we're gonna be doing each exercise for 45 seconds with a 15 second rest in between but if you're a beginner you could start off by trying the exercises for 30 to 40 seconds with the 20 second break in between and using the high intensity interval training method with our ab training workout.


1. Elevated leg raises


we're gonna start this routine off on the elevated surface. The first exercise is gonna be leg raises. Now if you're a complete beginner I just want you to lift your legs as high as you can.


Even if it's right here, even if it's right there, I want you to lift it, place your feet back down on the ground, lift as high as you can place back down on the ground eventually going to develop the strength to be able to bring them up higher and higher and squeeze your core all right.


2. Elevated knee raises


The next exercise is gonna be knee raises. These are excellent for building a six pack and getting shredded. My beginners you're gonna do the same thing you're gonna have your feet on the ground you're gonna bring your knees up as high as you can bring your knees back down on the ground..


Keep it going, squeeze every contraction you want to be pushing your shoulders down while you're squeezing your grip, squeezing your core and keeping your feet tight together all right.


3. Elevated alternating knee raises


The next exercise we're going to be getting into is going to be alternating knee raises and for my beginners you're just going to tap the ground every single time with each foot.


Everyone else, I want your feet off the ground for the full 45 seconds so let's raise one knee up and alternate squeeze bring your knee up as high as you can feel every contraction squeeze and breathe regulate your breathing.


4. Lying single leg raises


All right ready to take it to the ground with a lying single leg raised all right from a lying position we're gonna put one foot on top of the other one if you have your hands out and you go for this movement it's gonna be a lot more difficult and a lot more effective on the abdominals.


If you want it easier you can put your hands underneath we're gonna go 22 seconds on one leg 22 seconds on the other one squeeze your core regulate your breathing make sure your leg is straight.


5. Laying around the world


Next exercise we're gonna get into is gonna be laying around the world so let me show you what it looks like we're getting back into a lying position keep your feets together you're gonna come all the way up in a circle come back down and then go the other way just like that 45 seconds all the areas of our abdominals.


All right go ahead and stretch that out we just have three more exercises to go. The next one coming up is going to be russian twist.


6. Russian twists


Keep your feet pointed go to one side and alternate both sides twisting your torso really working your obliques you want to keep your feet as straight as possible if that's too difficult of course you could bend them but the straighter they are the more effective


7. Bicycles


The next exercise we're going to get into is going to be bicycles let's go ahead and take a second catch our breath get into position on our backs one leg straight one touches your knee full extension squeeze your core and regulate your breathing let's get it.


8. Toe touches


All right we are down to the last exercise toe touches we utilized all the muscle groups of our abdominals exercises that help us burn fat as well as sculpt your abs and now we're gonna burn out with this.


Last exercise we're gonna give it everything we got for the last 45 seconds so let's lay back, put our feet in the air, grab our weight, and bring them up to our toes 45 seconds later.



killer routine that's gonna have you shredded just in time for summer and if you do this routine almost every day as much as your body would allow alongside with proper nutrition.


You're gonna get super shredded in just a short amount of time so if you're able to get through this round with me congratulations this would mark day one keep it up and keep it going keep the consistency and you're definitely gonna see results and progress and the more you do this the stronger you're gonna get eventually you're gonna be able to go for more rounds and although doing this for one or two rounds a day or every other day will definitely bring you progress doing it three times is gonna bring you a lot more progress.


So with that said i can't wait to see all of you guys get shredded for summer and if you enjoyed the article then definitely smash that like button we appreciate it so much and it really helps you to recommend our articles to more people and to show our appreciation if you comment down below and make sure to subscribe my blog right now with notifications on so that you never miss any content we post every single day. Thanks for visiting.


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