Six pack abs workout without any equipment

Six pack abs workout without any equipment

Six pack abs workout without any equipment
Six pack abs workout without any equipment

What's up Legends, it's Gulam Mohiuddin, Welcome to Fit legends. Today, I'm gonna be taking you through a complete six pack abs workout from start to finish that anyone of any fitness level can follow along with, without the need of any equipment to get six pack abs right now. 


Get a 6 pack in 30 days


We're going to be doing this whole routine with minimal rest between each exercise to maximize the efficiency of our time and really build our abdominals. 

This is a routine that can be done anywhere and that can fit in with any lifestyle. No matter how busy you are, you can prioritize 30 minutes for yourself on a daily basis. 


And if you stay consistent, this six pack abs workout will efficiently and effectively build core strength and get you the six pack abs you've always wanted while burning calories and fat.

And on days you may not have 30 minutes, you can always do our complete 20 minute six pack abs workout. 


Now I've structured today's workout to engage all the areas of your abs and to challenge you while still being able to preserve your energy to reach the end of the workout, ensuring that you'll be able to complete the entire duration of the six pack abs workout without giving up and maximizing your results.


So if you're ready to get started, we're going to lock in for 30 minutes straight with only 20 seconds rest between each exercise. And to properly follow along and bring this 6 pack abs with you anywhere.


How to get perfect abs


Warm for six pack abs workout : Only 3 exercises.

(Do 40 seconds of each exercise and take 20 seconds rest)


  1. High knee taps

  2. Butt kicks

  3. Jumping jacks

 We're going to warm up with the first couple of exercises.




 The first one being high knee taps for 40 seconds. Let's go for it. Now for those of you       that have bad knees, you can always just do this a lot slower. Bring up one knee at a time  and alternate. 

What makes this difficult is the intensity on how you do it. Remember to regulate your breathing and pace yourself. Bring those knees up. 

Nice little warm up, taking a break now for 20 seconds. Start regulating your breathing.




The next exercise we're going to get into is going to be butt kicks. So let's go ahead and shake that off. Breathing in through your nose, out through your mouth. Let's get into butt kicks. You want to tap each heel.

And of course, if you had bad knees, you can always alternate. Choose your intensity. Right now we're getting the body warm.





We have one more warm up exercise, that's going to be jumping jacks. Now while we're warming up, we're burning calories,

Jump up wide, come back in. Squeeze your core. And regulate your breathing. It's good to start doing that early on or you're going to gas yourself out really quick. All right, now let's bring it down to the ground. 




Which is going to help us get shredded. So let's get right We're ready to really start engaging our abdominals


Abs workouts give you a six pack

The best six pack abs workout : Only 12 exercises to get shredded abs.

(Do 40 seconds of each exercise and take 20 seconds rest)


  1. Seated in and outs

  2. Russian twists

  3. Chair crunches

  4. Reach ups

  5. Star crunches

  6. Bicycles

  7. Boat hold

  8. Seated leg flutters

  9. Leg raises

  10. Heel touches

  11. Plank

  12. Mountain climbers





So we're going to take a seated position. Fingertips are going to point straight, toes are going to be pointed straight and legs fully locked out all the way into your chest, all the way back out, full range of motion.

And of course, go at your own pace. If you're more advanced, you can go with a greater intensity. If you're feeling gassed, you can go ahead and slow down. 




For the next exercise, we're going to maintain this position. Overload our abdominals from this position with Russian twists.

 Now for this exercise, our feet are going to be in the same position, fully locked out straight, you're gonna touch one side and then touch the other side. Now with this twist, we're really engaging our obliques. So you want to make sure to really twist your body, every single repetition And point your toes, keep your legs straight. 

The straighter your legs are, the more you're engaging your abdominals and the better results you're going to have. With any exercise that requires your legs to be straight in front of you. squeeze your core. 

All right, now we're going to switch up the angle, engage our abs differently from a lying position. We're going to go up to chair sit ups.

 So we're going to lay down with our feet up in a chair position. We're going to alternate, we're going to do one side first, 20 seconds, and then the other side, 20 seconds. Squeeze your core and reach for the ceiling. Let's alternate. All right, we're flying through this routine. 




The next exercise is going to be chair crunches. So from the chair set up position we're just going to be doing crunches. So you wanna bring your feet up, keep your core tight, come up and crunch. If this is too difficult, you can always put your feet down and just try to crunch as high as you can. Remember to pace yourself, squeeze and breathe. 

All right, give that a little stretch. All right, the next exercise we're going to be getting into is going to be lying knee raises.

 So for this exercise, we're going to put our hands underneath, legs straight out, and then knees straight in. All the way out, all the way in. Let's go ahead and turn over, stretch those out.




Next exercise is going to be reach ups. Let's get back on our back, feet flat on the ground. Hands going to go up, try to touch the ceiling. Breathe and pace yourself. All right. 




Next exercise, we're going to be getting into is going to be star crunches. This is going to engage even more areas of our abdominals, ensuring that we're gonna get a well-rounded six pack.

Let's make a star, we're gonna come up, touch the outside of your ankle. Alternate, touch the outside of your ankle. All right, we're flying through this routine.




Now we're gonna bring up the intensity with this next exercise, bicycles. I want you to give it everything you got. And the following exercise is going to be more of an active rest, so let's get down.

 You want to match your elbow with your knee and fully extend the opposing leg. Go at your own pace and really twist your abdominals, make sure you're working your obliques. All right. You can feel your abdominals are on fire. 

You can go ahead and give him a little stretch. Now we're going to get into an active rest. 




Still engaging our abdominals, burning calories with boat hold. And if we don't do this move often, just holding this position will be a challenge, you can feel your abs burning. You want to lean back, make the shape, the bottom of a boat. 

Keep your legs straight, squeeze your core. Regulate your breathing, squeeze your abs. All right, we are flying through this routine. 




The next exercise we have coming up, we're gonna right back into it with seated leg flutters. 

This position is going to be just like the seated in and outs, except you're gonna keep your legs straight and alternate them.

 Remember the straighter you can have your legs, the more you're engaging your abdominals. Go ahead and stretch those out. 




Next exercise we're going to be getting into is going to be alternating single leg raises. This is going to be another one from the lying position. We just have a couple more left and then we're going to switch up the position

. So again, we're going to put our hands underneath us, legs straight out, core tight, bring one all the way up, then back down and alternate. Squeeze, pace yourself, breathe. Squeeze your core.

 All right. the next one we're going to get into, we're gonna increase the intensity with lying leg raises, and then after we'll have another active rest again. So we're going to get back down to the lying position. 

Hands underneath us, both legs straight out, core tight, we're gonna go all the way up, all the way back down. Don't let your feet touch the ground. All right. Now this one is going to be an active rest, but we're still going to be building our abdominals, core strength and burning fat with laying legs down hold. 

Static holds are another great way to build muscle and endurance, just like the full planche and a handstand hold.

 Let's get our hands underneath us, legs straight out, six inches off the ground. Just going to hold this, 40 seconds time on it. Breathe, squeeze your core. Keep your legs straight. 




All right, we're going to get into the last exercise that's going to be from a lying position. That's going to be heel touches. Now I want you to give these everything you got. Let's keep it going, keep our feet up. 

We come all the way up, touch our heels, come back down. More than halfway there, let's keep it going. All right. 

It's time to switch it up now. The next exercise we're going to be getting into it's going to be burpees, no jump.

 And depending on your fitness level, you can choose to do the pushup with the burpee or just get into the pushup position and stand back up. And I've added burpees into this workout, not only to build our abs, but also to burn more fat and calories to make our abs more visible. So with that said, let's jump right into burpees.

We want to get into a pushup position. Push up, stand up. All right, there we have burpees. 


11. PLANK: 


The next exercise we're going to go into is going to be more chill, but still engaging our dominance with plank hold. 

Another static hold, but great for building core strength, endurance, and six pack abs. let's get down into a plank position.

 You want to squeeze your core. Have a nice, good grip on the ground with your forearms, and keep your body in a straight line from your heels all the way to your shoulders. You don't want your hips dropping too low, engage your core.

 All right, take a second to catch your breath. We're flying through this routine. The next exercise we're going to get into is going to be plank alternating toe taps. So that's going to be back in a plank position.

 You wanna come out, tap one side, then tap the other. Go at your own pace. Squeeze your core. All right, take a second to catch your breath. We're going to keep going in this plank position. 

The next exercise is going to be plank knees to elbows. When you're ready, we're going to get into a plank position. You're gonna bring your knee to your elbow, back down and alternate. If you're just getting started and you can't reach that high, just go as high as you can. Small movements, as long as you're doing it. 

Eventually, you're gonna be able to get higher and higher. All right, we're flying through this. We just have a couple more exercises to go. 

Next exercise, we're going to switch up the plank position with a straight arm side plank hold. So we're going to get into a push-up position, move over to the side, keep your hips up, core engaged. You can have your hand in the air or you can have your hand beside you. We're going to hold one side 20 seconds and hold the other side for 20 seconds. All right, let's switch. 

Make sure that your hips are engaged, you're not drooping, and you're pushing down with your shoulders. Have a strong grip on the ground, core's tight. All right, I'm dripping with sweat. And we only have six exercises left.

The next exercise is going to be side plank raises. So we can get into a pushup position, put one arm down like a plank, turn over to the side, core tight, dip down and then come right back up.

 All right, hang in there. We're almost to the finish line. The next exercise is going to be in a push-up position. We're going to be going for high plank toe taps. So from a pushup position, you want to touch your toes, and alternate.

Keeping your core tight and remaining balanced. 40 seconds. More than halfway there. Requiring more balance is going to recruit more stabilizer muscles, which is going to help you build even more muscle in your six pack abs. 

Here we go, three, two, and one. All right, take a second to catch our breath. We're going to finish off this routine with three different plank variations, the first one being plank open and closed. So let's give these last ones everything we got.

 Get into a plank position, you want to jump open, jump closed, pace yourself, squeeze your core. If you've made it this far, don't give up. 

Give quality in every single rep. The next exercise we're going to get into it's going to be plank side to side.

 Just take a second to catch our breath. Get back into plank position. We're gonna dip on one side, dip on the other side. Keep your core tight and control this movement. Let's go, we're more than halfway there, stay focused.

 Keep your core tight. Here we go, learn to breathe while you keep your core tight. Next that's going to be a plank up and down. Take this last moment to catch your breath. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.

 We're going to finish off strong. Let's get back into the plank position. Dip down with the hips, bring the hips back up while you squeeze your core. 

More than halfway there, give it everything you got, keep it going, don't stop. 




The next exercise we have switching mountain climbers. Take a second to catch your breath. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, get into a push-up position. 

You're going to bring your opposing knee to your elbow and then switch off. Once you get the hang of it, you can go faster and faster.

 Really twist, make sure you're working your obliques. All right, I'm breaking a sweat over here. Burning calories, burning fat.

Six pack abs workout without any equipment
six pack abs


Shredded our abs and finished our entire six pack abs workout routine in just 30 minutes without any equipment at all. And I'm drenched in sweat and my abdominals are on fire. If you're able to complete this, congratulations, you're on your way to getting shredded and building a solid six pack abs with our six pack abs workout routine. And all it takes is just 30 minutes. So stay consistent and make this a priority in your day. And I guarantee you, you're going to see results. Thank you so much for following this article. If you enjoyed this article and it helped you, definitely comment down below, if it really helps.


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ab workouts give you a six pack

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get a six pack abs

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