Back exercises at home: Best exercises to build bigger back
What's up, it's Gulam Mohiuddin, welcome to another content of fit legends. Today I'm gonna be showing you 10 of the best back exercises at home that you can do to build a bigger back at home back workout no equipment without the use of any weights. And when building muscle, regardless of whether you're using weights or bodyweight weight there's five main things that you'll need. The first being nutrition and having your diet on point.

Back exercises at home

Train back muscles at home
If you wanna build a muscle home back workout routine, you're gonna need to be eating enough protein to fuel your muscle growth. The second thing is gonna be creating hypertrophy. You're gonna need to reach hypertrophy in order to tear muscle fibers so that they can grow back thicker and stronger.
The third thing is gonna be progressional training which is what body weight training and calisthenics is all about. In the gym it's done by gradually increasing the weight of a working set over time. But with calisthenics, you're continuously implementing harder exercise progressions to break plateaus and to ensure progress for strength and muscle growth with best home back workout.
Now, the fourth thing is gonna be consistency. Staying consistent with the proper routine and goal will allow you to stay focused resulting in building more muscle over time. And the fifth is gonna be a proper rest. That's actually when your muscles are repairing and growing.
So if you're putting a significant amount of time into breaking down your muscles, you're gonna need to put a good amount of time into repairing them and growing them back thicker and stronger as well. Now within our back we have 40 muscles, 20 on each side but they can be broken up into our traps, rhomboids, lats, levator scapulae and erector spinae.
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They all work together to support your body and allow your body to bend, move and twist in different directions. Now the exercises we'll be doing today are also very effective because they're compound simple back exercises at home which involve several muscles of the back and more to work together with every rep.
This allows for heavier lifting or in this case your body weight which will recruit and tear more muscle fibers allowing you to build more muscle. Now with the 10 back exercises at home I'm about to show you, you can create your own back workout by choosing your favorite ones.

Back exercises at home
10 best bodyweight back exercises at home (bodyweight back exercises)

1. Australian pull-up
2. Body rows
3. Pull-ups
4. Explosive pull-ups
5. Archer pull-ups
6. Inverted pull-ups
7. Back lever raises
8. Front lever raises
9. Commando pull-ups
10. L-SIT pull-ups
Open up to the fit legends blog workout section, you should find this routine. we're ready to get started.
1. Australian pull-up:
All right, the first exercise is gonna be Australian pull-ups. It's also the first progression that you use to build your strength up to achieving your first real pull-up.
And even if you can already do real pull-ups, it's still gonna be super effective throughout your entire fitness journey because the pulling motion and angle is different emphasizing on different areas of your back.
And because we're not using our entire bodyweight back exercises, we're able to do a lot more repetitions than pull-ups giving us a better quality muscle contraction and allowing us to reach hypertrophy, tearing more muscle fibers and building more muscle, as well as improving your pulling skill, which will progress you to harder bodyweight back exercises like explosive pull-ups and allow you to implement those harder back exercises at home more frequently into your workout regimen.
With that said, we'll be utilizing Australian pull-ups the best way of high repetitions, we'll be going for 20 reps. I'm gonna use these two chairs and we're gonna get right into it. So when getting into Australian pull-ups, you wanna make sure that your hips are straight and you're in a straight line from your heels to your shoulders. Pull all the way up, squeeze your back, come back down.
Australian pull-ups can be done right from home if you have two sturdy chairs, if you're at the gym they can be done on a Smith machine and if you're in the park, they can be done on the side of a dip bar. Remember the lower the angle, the more body weight, the more difficult it's gonna be, the higher the angle, the easier it's gonna be, less body weight.
And as you get stronger, make sure to decrease the angle to continue your progressional training. All right. There we have Australian pull-ups emphasizing on our lats, traps, rhomboids, biceps and even our abs.
2. Body rows:
Now moving on to the second exercise, it's gonna be another beginner friendly back exercise at home but just a little bit harder. We're gonna be going for body rows.
Body rows are just like Australian pull-ups, but with our feet elevated. This is gonna change the angle and also apply more body weight onto this exercise making it a little harder, but not as hard as pull-ups while still being just as effective.
For body rolls we're gonna bring the reps down and do a little less, go for 12 repetitions. So I'm gonna use this box to elevate my feet. You could use a bench or anything. Let's get into Australian pull-up position. 12 reps.
This exercise is just like the seated cable row machine that you would use in the gym except with your own body weight, it's gonna directly translate to harder exercises that utilize your body weight like the one-arm pull-up and doing it like this is gonna engage a lot more core strength. All right. There we have rows.
3. Pull-ups:
Now moving on to number three, it's probably the best move with or without weights.
That's gonna be the pull-up. And when it comes to pull-ups, to get the most results and to advance the fastest, you wanna make sure that you're using all grips with perfect form and full range of motion every single rep. So with that said, let's do five reps of wide shoulder and closed grip with perfect form. So let's start off with the wide grip.
No matter what type of training or support you do, the pull up is fundamental. It will not only transform your physique, it also transforms your performance and strength capabilities. This is also another great way to increase your pull-up repetitions if you're struggling with that. Training the different grips is gonna increase her overall pulling strength.
And by strengthening other muscles in your back, you may not be engaging as much, by only training with one grip. All right, there we have pull-ups.
4. Explosive pull-ups:
Moving on to number four, we're gonna be taking the pull up to the next level with explosive pull-ups.
This is gonna boost your performance and recruit your fast-twitch muscle fibers which is gonna build even more muscle. And you wanna treat this as if you're going for a heavy lift. So you wanna focus more on lower reps and more power when you're first starting off. And of course, as you get better at this, you can increase the repetitions and then start with low reps all over again, by doing it weighted.
And that's another way you can use So I'm gonna go for just five reps. We wanna keep it as powerful and perfect as possible. Let's go for it. And whenever you get used to training explosives your normal force is gonna be a lot easier to do naturally increasing your repetitions and building more strength and doing anything explosive is one of my secret weapons to start building superhuman strength.
All right, there we have explosive pull-ups.
5. Archer pull-ups:
Moving on to number five, we have archer pull-ups. With this exercise, we can start to work towards going beyond the pull-up. As we start to isolate each side of our back and increase the overload. So let's go for six by alternating each arm, keep your body straight.
And this is one of the first progressions you would use to build your strength to be able to do what you were doing before with two arms now with one. This is a pretty difficult exercise so when you're first starting off, you wanna really just focus on your form and go for a moderate amount of repetitions.
All right, they have it.
6. Inverted pull-ups:
Now we're ready to move on to number six, inverted row pull-ups. This exercise is very similar to the body row with the same pulling angle. We're gonna go ahead and go for eight repetitions. You wanna grab the bar, bring your legs all the way up like a Tostada bar.
From this position you wanna row. Of course if this is too difficult, you can always tuck in and continue to row as well. All right, there we have it.
7. Back lever raises:
Moving on to number seven, it's gonna be reverse leg raises or back lever raises. I'm gonna go for 10 reps, it should look like this. First you should start off with reverse leg raises and get really strong with those.
You can also hold the top position of a reverse leg raise for time and mix that up within your repetitions as well. And once you've trained it for a while and you've developed a significant amount of strength, you can go ahead and go for back level raises, it looked like this. All right, there we have back lever raises.
8. Front lever raises:
And now we're ready for number eight, which the front lever raises. This is a pretty difficult exercise that involves lifting your body with our lats. So we're gonna be keeping our arms straight for this exercise. You're gonna be making the motion like a lat pull down as if you're using the machine in the gym, except we'll be using our own body weight, staying in a straight line from the tip of our toes to our shoulders.
And to maintain a straight line with your body, you wanna make sure that you're pushing through with your lower back as you squeeze your glutes and your core with a tight grip on the bar, pushing away from you. Now a lot of people have trouble keeping form with this movement, so we're gonna keep the reps low and focus on perfect form.
One of the main problems is that people don't push through with their lower hips and don't retract their scapulas giving them a rounded out shape instead of a straight line. So make sure that you're doing both of those things. It should feel like you're at the top of a deadlift when you're at the peak point of your front lever raise.
So with that said, let's go for five reps. You can also try going with one leg tucked and one leg straight out. If this is too difficult, alternate both sides eventually you'll be able to do it with two feet. So let's start off with a strong grip, lean back with your feet together, control up and down.
And you'll see even the most advanced lifters struggle to do these back exercises at home correctly with the right form, let alone if they can do it at all. So it's important to train these exercises to be a well-rounded athlete. There we have front lever raises
9. Commando pull-ups:
To another exercise that can translate to the lat pulldown machine but it won't work the other way around. Now moving on to number nine, we have commando pull-ups. This is a great grip for building your back. Being able to pull directly to the middle of your chest, engaging the middle of your back.
And with this grip, you can emphasize with your dominant hand and work your strength up to building one-armed pull-ups without actually having the strength yet to pull up with one arm. So when I do commando pull-ups, if I put my head on the right side, I'm gonna put my right hand on the outside.
This is gonna simulate more of the one-arm pull-up position while your other hand is in a chin-up grip to assist the movement. We'll do five with one hand, then we'll switch and do five on the other. Let's go for it. Now if you notice, I'm really emphasizing pulling on my right side trying to get my right side as high as I can. Let's switch over and do five on the other side.
There we have it, commando pull-ups. the more you do your commando pull-ups like this, the stronger you're gonna get on each limb individually and on both sides of your back making it easier to pull on one side and eventually you can start letting go of how many fingers you're using in the chin-up position using less assistance, developing more strength and getting you closer to when I'm pull-up and building a bigger back without weights. Now we're ready for level 10.
10. L-SIT pull-ups:
That's gonna be L-sit pull ups. Now keep in mind any of the back exercises at home that you can't do, you can always modify them and do them with a resistance band but your goal should always eventually be not only to do them without the resistance band but to start applying weight onto your body while doing them.
Now these L-sit pull-ups are really gonna shred up and grow our back because of our legs sticking out right in front of us. This distribution of your weight is gonna be a lot more difficult and it's gonna require more balance and stabilization and recruits even more muscles from your lower back to your upper back while engaging even more of your core.
Now if this move is too difficult, you can always try doing it in a tuck position first, master that, then you can start trying it with your legs fully locked out, so let's go for six reps. With the L-sit pull up you wanna give power and also perfect form.
So you wanna first master a low amount of repetitions with perfect form and then grow those perfect reps. There we have L-sit pull-ups, a killer and game changer for growing your back without weights. And that's gonna be the 10 best back exercises at home that you can do to build a bigger back without any weights.
And even if you lift weights, you're still gonna wanna incorporate these at home back workout without weights. They have a lot of benefits to them. They're definitely gonna take your training to the next level and you're gonna have that competitive edge over everyone else.
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Related FAQS:
1. Australian pull-up
2. Body rows
3. Pull-ups
4. Explosive pull-ups
5. Archer pull-ups
6. Inverted pull-ups
7. Back lever raises
8. Front lever raises
9. Commando pull-ups
10. L-SIT pull-ups
Q. What is the meaning of back exercise?
ANS: back exercises helps you to get bigger and strong back.
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