Healthy sex life tips for men and women

How to have a Healthy Sex Life as per Ayurveda? (Men & Women)

healthy sex life
healthy sex life

Ayurveda's take on human sexuality is one of the most misunderstood concepts how to have healthy sex life as per Ayurveda, how often should we indulge in sex, are there any natural contraceptives in Ayurveda, how to overcome problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, what are some of the precautions to be taken while planning a baby.

To get an answer to all these questions I went through various ayurvedic techs to bring out the most authentic information to you, reading this article till the end you will have a clear idea as to how you should go about your sexual life. So without any further delay let's get started, hello friends welcome to fit legends. 


Healthy sex life as per Ayurveda?

How really should you go about your sexual life?

Guidelines vary according to levels

Levels of consciousness

Celibacy was never forced upon

The Sapta Dhatus

Ayurveda's best practices are based on protecting shukra.

How often should we indulge in sexual activity

What time of the day is best for sex

Sexuality and Ageing rhythm

Can we have sex during periods

What Ayurveda says about sex during periods

Ayurveda’s best practices for optimum sexual health

Some Shukra enhancing foods: You must include in your daily diet

Ayurveda has clear Guidelines: Looking to conceive

Is it advisable to have sex during Pregnancy

Human Sexuality and Female Physiology

Are there any Natural Contraceptives in Ayurveda

Healthy sex life as per Ayurveda?

How really should you go about your sexual life?

Though India has a strong monastic tradition the goal of the Vedas was certainly not to convert every human being into a sexless being in the name of spirituality in fact there have been many great sages and saints who were married with kids not everyone can practice no fap or brahmacharya as it is called and accordingly ayurvedic guidelines vary at different levels of person's consciousness.

Guidelines vary according to levels

Levels of consciousness

  • Enlightenment.

  • Peace.

  • Joy.                         

  • Love.

  • Acceptance.

  • Courage.

  • Pride.

  • Anger.

  • Desire.

  • Fear.

  • Grief.                        

  • Apathy.

  • Guilt.

  • Shame.

Celibacy was never forced upon

Celibacy was never forced upon but was always taken up voluntarily although it was not mainstream one of the most important ayurvedic concepts regarding sex involves “shukra” a Sanskrit term that denotes not only reproductive fluids but is much more it's the most potent energy that is present in every cell of the body since birth in the form of ojas. 

healthy sex life
healthy sex life

“Shukra Dhatu” is the last of the seven bodily tissues while shukra in our reproductive organs has the power to procreate a new life. Its presence in the rest of the body is the basis for sexual attraction, beauty enthusiasm, joy, health and creativity. 

                                         The Sapta Dhatus



Rasa Dhatu.

Body fluids.

Rakta Dhatu.


Mamsa Dhatu.

Muscular Tissue.

Meda Dhatu.

Adipose Tissue.

Asthi Dhatu.

Bony Tissue.

Majja Dhatu.

Bone Marrow & Nervous Tissue.

Shukra Dhatu.

Generative Tissue (including semen &

Ovum constituents).

Ayurveda's best practices are based on protecting shukra.

Ayurveda's best practices are based on protecting this vital dhatu called shukra, which naturally decreases as we age. 

Ayurveda explains that in nature there is a time and season for sexuality and then there is time and season for rest, it is true for plants, it's practiced by animals and it should be practiced by us humans as well, of course I realize that our human nature can be rather impulsive but understanding your body's natural pattern. 

When it comes to sex life can help you maintain balanced reproductive tissues and support your vital energy since most of us today are unaware of these natural rhythms and often indulge in sexual intercourse at all times problems like fatigue depression infertility premature ejaculation erectile dysfunction and difficult menopause are on the rise.

How often should we indulge in sexual activity

healthy sex life
healthy sex life

So how often should we indulge in sexual activity Ayurveda recognizes six seasons and it explicitly mentions the healthy frequency of sexual intercourse in each season basically the cooling seasons are most suitable for sexual activity as this is the time kapha energy is the highest which naturally promotes the formation of shukra dhatu within our body on the flip side summer seasons and monsoon are most depleting for the body's natural reserve of shukra.

So according to Ayurveda a person can indulge in sexual activity daily during the winter season provided he or she consumes shukra enhancing foods along which we will discuss later in this article.

During summers and monsoon, sex is recommended only once in 15 days and in other seasons it's suggested maximum once in three days.

What time of the day is best for sex

healthy sex life
healthy sex life

Ayurveda also specifically mentions what time of the day is best for sex as we have learned kapha is the major factor in deciding that every day 6 pm to 10 pm is dominated by kapha and this is the best time for sex.

                              Sexuality and Ageing rhythm

healthy sex life
healthy sex life

Sex during the day is most depleting second best time for sexual gratification is 6 am to 10 am in the morning Ayurveda recommends sexual activity from the age 18 to 70. however if you are planning for a baby a minimum 25 years of age for men and 18 years for women is advised.

Can we have sex during periods

This also goes with the concept of ashrama the four stages of life as per scriptures can we have sex during periods Ayurveda is firm one should never have sex when the women is menstruating as it can seriously disturb her doshik balance trying to conceive during this time may even have worse effects and should be strictly avoided.

What Ayurveda says about sex during periods

Ayurveda also advises to abstain from sex during special days like eclipses as it can disturb the hormonal balance of the body, moreover Ayurveda does not recommend oral sex as it imbalances the vata dosha in the body.

Ayurveda’s best practices for optimum sexual health

There are some best practices recommended by Ayurveda for optimum sexual health.

1. Never have sex after eating

First of all sexual activity is not suitable immediately after eating this is because the body needs blood flow for digestion which then gets compromised in the genitals even a modern medical doctor will advise you to take a two hour break after a meal.

When hungry and


Immediately after

a meal.

2 hours after 

a meal.

Sexual Activity.

Abstain from sex.

Eat and drink instead.

Abstain from sex.

Engage in sex if you wish.

Adverse symptoms

If advice not






Indigestion, heaviness in heart, pain in chest, breathlessness.

No adverse symptoms related to digestion.

2. Urinate after Intercourse

It is recommended for the man and woman to urinate after the intercourse ; this is also in tune with the latest modern medical science research where it was found to significantly reduce urinary tract infections.

3. Bath after Intercourse

Ayurveda recommends having bath force sex for hygiene and body rejuvenation to reduce the loss of energy.

4. Nasya after Intercourse

Ayurveda recommends nasi kriya after sex which simply means to put a couple of drops of a medicinal oil in each of your nostrils in hot weather desi cow ghee is recommended while in colder months badam Rogan oil is best suited within 30 minutes of an orgasm.

5. Sweet cow milk

Ayurveda recommends drinking warm desi cow's milk with added jaggery powder this is like a miracle food for shukra sage has predicted that when the body experiences depletion of the pressure suprabhatam it immediately attempts to restore it if it has the right ingredients handy that's where warm sweetened milk is so useful.

6. Consume Shukra enhancing foods regularly

There are more shukra enhancing foods that not only increase the quality of reproductive fluids in both men and women but also replenish them fast they see.

Some Shukra enhancing foods: You must include in your daily diet

healthy sex life
healthy sex life

Cow dairy products especially fresh butter, ghee, curd, sweet and lessee paneer and rice kheer are on top of the list.

Sugarcane its juice and other sweet fruits like ripe bananas, mangoes, lychees, dates and chikuwa are great jackfruit, ladyfingers, yams, pointed guards are highly aphrodisiacs soaked dry fruits are shukra enhancing too black urid, lentil and Chana are some pulses that highly enhance their sexual strength.

If you are sexually active then it is recommended to have at least some of them in your daily diet. On the contrary excessive sour foods, packaged foods empty calories such as diet sodas stimulants like tea, coffee, cigarettes and alcohol weaken the shukra dhatu.

Ayurveda has clear Guidelines: Looking to conceive

If you are looking to conceive Ayurveda has clear guidelines for optimum health of the parents and the upcoming baby.

1. Practice celibacy for two months prior

Firstly it is advised to maintain celibacy for at least two months before you plan to conceive this will strengthen the potency of your shukra dhatu.

2. Plan for baby in kapha dominant months

It is suggested to plan for a baby during the kapha dominated season like winters two months.

3. Start taking shukra boosting medicines two months prior

Before conceiving regular doses of classical ayurvedic medicines like one tablet of makkardwaj Bhatti with milk are highly recommended to men on the other hand just one teaspoon of shatavari powder in milk is sufficient for women's reproductive health.

4. Women should be on her back while copulating

Both ashtanga grid yam and cvarak Samhita suggest that a woman going on her back while copulating is more likely to conceive than in any other position.

5. Men should regularly self massage & Exercise

Men are recommended to regularly self and exercise their body for better sexual strength Ayurveda doesn't perceive sexual intercourse as a mere fusion of bodily fluids.

6. Purity of thoughts during intercourse shapes up nature of upcoming life

Even the purity of thoughts of the partners during intercourse is given utmost importance in shaping up the nature of upcoming life.

7. Do not compromise on sleep

It is also imperative that you do not compromise on your sleep as it's then when your body restores chakra Ayurveda puts out specific guidelines regarding sexual intercourse.

Is it advisable to have sex during Pregnancy

healthy sex life
healthy sex life

During a woman's pregnancy broadly one should avoid sex three months before and three months after the child birth for optimum health of the mother and the child well.

               Human Sexuality and Female Physiology 

Active Menstruation


(first 6 months).


(last 3 months).

Childbirth naturally.

Childbirth Surgical.

Active Dosha.

Pitta and Vata.

Kapha and Pitta.




Sexual Activity.

Abstain from the day before the period starts until bleeding stops completely.

Can continue sex carefully, if pregnancy is normal. Minimize in a high risk situation.


Abstain for a min of 40 days to a max of 3 months postpartum.

Abstain for a min of 3 months postpartum.

Are there any Natural Contraceptives in Ayurveda

What if you are not planning a baby in that case Ayurveda also offers natural contraceptives without any side effects neem is one of the most effective spermicides and is extensively used even in the modern times.

Neem leaves when taken by women during their fertile period prevents the fusion of sperm and egg even applying neem oil at the lady parts 50 minutes before intercourse acts as a natural contraceptive methods.

Neem fruit commonly referred to as nemoly is very strong natural contraceptive and should be taken after consulting an ayurvedic practitioner, there are many more herbal concoctions which are used for birth control as mentioned in various ayurvedic texts so by following certain rules which are aligned with our inherent nature of bodies we can protect ourselves from the unnecessary loss of shukra.

This is in essence the sexual wisdom of Ayurveda ashtanga krithyam puts it this way from a disciplined indulgence in sex one gains good memory, intelligence, health, nourishment and sharpness of sense organs.

Reputation strength and slow aging and if you indulge in excess you are bound to receive the opposite that's why the word some book which in Sanskrit means sexual intercourse is so wisely coined it means maintaining a balance of pleasure or sensual enjoyment i hope you found this article helpful if yes then please give this article a big thumbs up. Thank you so much for visiting fit legends and please do share with your friends, please support us.

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